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The Ultimate Guide to Web Development Jobs

November 3, 2021

It’s funny to think that there was once a time where the internet wasn’t taken for granted. For decades, web developers and programmers built websites, browsers, and massive-scale connectivity tools, all with the hope of one day creating a world wide web that could unite people and information from around the globe. It’s a good thing that they did, because as of 2020 there are over 4.57 billion internet users in the world. However, that same work is far from over. Now more than ever, there is a clear and pressing need for talented web development professionals of all backgrounds. At Eleven Fifty Academy, we see students of all experience levels, educational paths, and career goals walk through our doors every day, all ready to join our popular web development bootcamp. Why? Because they know that with the right training and immersive learning environment, they can take their web development career far. Are you a lifelong lover of all things web development? How about just looking for a change in career from an unrelated field? Regardless of where you fall on this spectrum, if you’re thinking about web development as a professional option, this is the guide for you. We’ve got all the valuable information you could need on the career paths, salary figures, and general knowledge needed to get ahead. Ready to get started? Here’s your Ultimate Guide to Web Developer Jobs.

What Are The Most Common Web Development Jobs?

In web development, you could be working for an almost infinitely diverse number of employers. The internet isn’t optional; it’s become a foregone requirement, and that’s especially true for any business, enterprise, or organization. On top of that, they’re all looking to use web development for different aspects; some may need a customer-facing website that allows for e-commerce, while others are attempting to revamp their internal system to be retrofitted for remote employee use. You may be building websites every day, but the experience will always be a little different and engaging. Though the vast number of projects and company roles may seem a bit dizzying, most web development jobs fall into one of three important categories:

Front End Developers

Any part of a website that is viewable to a user is the handiwork of a front-end developer. This means website functionality and the ability for the public to use it, but it could also extend to visual elements and aesthetics like web design, UX, and UI. Whether working in teams or individually, these professionals are experts in the coding languages used by internet browsers, such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The code they write will decide how the website can be used, and this design-forward field can be a good chance to get experience in the industry as many start their web development careers here.

Back End Developers

With front-end developers taking care of the visual website layout and how users interact with the site, back-end developers are there to build the parts that keep the whole operation moving successfully. These sites depend on a litany of applications, layers, and APIs to connect server data with the user actions on the front-end. Even though everyday users can’t or won’t see this code ever, back-end developers are the left-brain bunch that use application logic to figure out how that click turns into an action.

Full Stack Developers

Undoubtedly the all-stars of the web development world, this rare breed are proficient at both front and back-end development. Because they’re able to see the whole picture—the forward facing and the behind-the-scenes—full stack developers are often brought in as project managers who orchestrate the design blueprints for the client, and then ensure that the team is correctly implementing those directions. Think of website development as a Broadway play: front-end is the cast, back-end is the tech and lighting, making full stack professionals the director.

For each of these areas, there are specific titles for each one that indicate whether it’s a general position, such as a “front end engineer” or “front-end developer,” both of which can be used interchangeably by a hiring company. However, there can also be more specific titles that indicate an area of expertise, like a language (JavaScript Developer), or platform (WordPress developer). Again, though it’s a broad spectrum of position titles, much of the work is completing the same directions in the appropriate programming language.

Is Web Development a Good Career in 2020?

Even today, the potential and possibilities of internet technology is always evolving. Whether it’s new and experimental coding language, cutting-edge development platforms, or advanced concepts for optimization, it’s a good bet to say that web development is a strong career choice for those looking to push the limits of technical ability and creative design.However, the potential for high reward still comes with some obvious high risk, specifically the need to stay up to date on all things web development and stay focused on the future through continuous learning.  In fact, at Eleven Fifty Academy, it’s not uncommon to see a front-end or back-end developer enroll in  a bootcamp program in either camp; whether they’re skilling up  in their current focus or training to become a full-stack professional, there’s no hiding the pressing demand for web developers who can stay up-to-date with the most relevant development skills today.Some of the most important web development areas in 2020 are:

  • Blockchain
  • Automated design and machine learning
  • Front-end frameworks like React and Vue
  • Mobile development
  • Complex CSS

The fact is, these are only a handful of the more well-known trends of 2020 that web developers need to master to continue moving up the ladder in their web developer career.  That being said, keeping in tune with these is much easier than one might think by joining online communities for open-source projects, such as on GitHub, where you can learn new techniques and contribute to ongoing builds with other knowledgeable pros who provide direct feedback.

Are Web Developers in High Demand?

The Bureau of Labor reported they expected “web developer” as an umbrella title to grow by 8 percent between now and 2029, making it significantly faster growing than the average occupation. While this is certainly good news for anyone in the field, it also deserves a closer inspection. When looking closely at actual demand and growth numbers for front-end and back-end developers, 2020 saw front-end development job postings drop by 25 percent through the first few months of the year. In fact, one study of IT professionals found front-end and back-end developers to be on their Fading IT Careers list of 2020. Why? Because employers are opting for the benefit of full-stack developers to fill multiple roles. The LinkedIn Jobs Report ranked full-stacks as #4 on their Emerging Careers List, growing 35 percent every year since 2015. It makes sense, too; companies can fill more roles with less overhead. Additionally, these brilliant and masterful developers can often be sent to a client directly to be their single contracted worker, and still finish website work.

Do Web Developers Make Good Money?

As with most tech job markets, web development can offer competitive salaries, particularly once you’ve accumulated enough language proficiencies and experience to qualify for full stack and senior level developer roles. Additionally, salaries can fluctuate based on whether you choose to work with a design firm, an in-house development team for an enterprise-level company, or as a maverick freelancer on your own. However, here are some general findings about web developer salaries:

  • Across all development positions, the average base salary is $68,524
  • Front-end developers typically earn an average of $76,969
  • Back-end developers earn an average of $101,619
  • Full-stack developers earn an average of $111,832, however that may increase depending on how their employer utilizes those talents. Compensation for project work versus more high-level strategic management may change things, especially if they step into a sales position at any time.

Though no two companies are the same, many still differentiate employees based on experience and skill. For instance, a junior level developer job often only requires an associate degree or relevant coding experience, such as what you pick up at coding boot camps like Eleven Fifty or doing open source work online. A senior developer, on the other hand, performs similar front-end or back-end tasks; however, the positions will often require at least five years of experience in coding, as well as a bachelor’s degree. If you reach that ultimate full-stack level of knowledge without a degree, there are still many companies who will  trust you with managing multiple developers, for significant extra pay. Though unlike in our Ultimate Guide to Cybersecurity, there is not always a set path to follow to achieve them. However, the pay gap between junior developer and senior developer is:

  • Junior Developer:  $55,000
  • Senior Developer $92,000

Who Do Web Developers Work For?

When companies need websites and applications, they often turn to a third-party design firm to handle things on a project basis. Most web developers will end up working in this capacity, as it allows for specialization on both front-end and back-end levels. It can also extend to the number of industries a firm can serve; for instance, with a varied team background, one single design firm may be able to take on projects in app development for a finance company, mobile gaming creation for another, and competent UX design for a government benefits website, all at the same time.But web development doesn’t have to begin and end at these firms. Professionals may end up working in an adjacent field, such as software development, software testing, server architecture, or straight visual design for sites. In fact, though for some it makes sense to start their career at a web first development firm with existing clients and established senior partners, others fresh out of college or coding bootcamp choose to start  as a freelancer or contract employee. Even if they’re only taking on small jobs or quick site builds, this can help to quickly grow experience for a young (even if only in spirit) developer.

What is the Hiring Process Like for Web Development Jobs?

It’s true that web development is a much-needed service for every business and brand. However, there is still a highly competitive job market for these positions, particularly for those providing a lucrative opportunity to advance from junior developer to manager roles. Those specialized areas mentioned above will help greatly in separating your name from others, especially if you have clearly demonstrated experience on your resume. However, before you can start coding in the newest JavaScript libraries or spinning together advanced digital servers, it’s best to focus on some of the key skills you need to get an interview in web development. Some of those are:

  • Front end programming languages, at least the most popular ones like HTML, C#, JavaScript, and frameworks like Microsoft .NET
  • Back-end languages Ruby on Rails, Python, and PHP. Those just starting out may still be mastering those, and that’s okay.
  • User experience and user interface design Design instincts and techniques for best practices
  • Mobile-facing and responsive design practices, including processing speed, secure transfers, and general screen capabilities
  • Cross-browser development to make sure products are viewable on any computer or phone
  • Application and software testing, although these skills may require additional certifications

In addition to these technical abilities, employers of  web developers are looking for individuals who understand the working ways of the development world, or at least those who can adapt to their workflow. For example, being able to learn new languages quickly, even if it’s just the gist of it or general overviews for small project needs, can be a huge benefit for firms and in-house design teams. Some other important soft skills are:

  • Problem solving
  • Dev Ops
  • Data analysis
  • Communication, both with peers and clients
  • Collaborative spirit to prevent soloing

What Does A Web Developer Do?

In this comprehensive blog post, we answer the burning question on everyone’s mind: what do web developers really do. Learn about the work environment for developers, what tasks are done on a daily basis, the kind of practice and studying they’ll need. But on a larger level, we’re going to give you a glimpse into the ethos and perspective that help to guide web developers across the spectrum of front-end, back-end, and full stack.Learn more: What Does A Web Developer Do?

How to Learn Web Development

Whether you’re making a lateral move from a related field, or a complete 180 and starting fresh in a new line of work, web development as a career path is a great first step. Now it’s time to look up the field to the specific skills and knowledge you’ll need to get into web development. We’ll walk you through the basics of what languages and approaches you need to master, how long it generally takes to get there, and some trade secrets on how to do more and work smarter, not harder, when it comes to standing out to employers.

Web Development Tools for Beginners

If you’re new to web development or coding, you may be relieved to know that programmers are rarely expected to memorize the thousands of possible code variations in a single language. Instead, they learn the rules and syntax of the language, and how it speaks to  their computers. To help implement those rules and syntax, programmers use web development tools that help with building out code quickly and accurately. You’ll learn about some of the basic web development tools like frameworks, code libraries, functions, and patterns that will be utilized not only on the first day of a new job, but throughout your training as well.

What Are The Skills Required for A WordPress Developer?

WordPress has emerged as a well-respected platform for creating websites and managing content, even for big-name brands like Bloomberg, BBC America, Disney, and the New Yorker. Rather than asking internal developers to learn how to develop in  WordPress, there’s a need for web developers already specializing in WordPress, thanks to its sturdy and dynamic range of tools. Learn what skills you’ll need to get started.Learn more: What Are The Skills Required for a WordPress Developer?

How WordPress Skills Make You More Marketable

With WordPress continuing to dominate the third-party content management world, folks looking to get involved in the design-heavy portion simply must make WordPress a part of their CV. Let’s break down some of those big skills needed to master the platform and how they directly connect to you becoming more marketable and hirable when it comes to the big interview.

Five Reasons to Learn JavaScript

It’s safe to say that as a web developer, you’re probably going to come across a lot of JavaScript during your tenure. But even if you haven’t sat down to work through the lessons, we’re right there to give you a bit of inspiration. Beautiful, scalable code that reads perfect on almost any machine, and makes life easier for the programmer, tester, and client. Hm, check, check, check. Did we mention how in-demand the skill is right now for hiring companies? At Eleven Fifty Academy, we’ve spent years watching waves of game-changing technology and thinkers turn web development from a basic process anyone could do, to a complex one with near unlimited possibilities. That’s why our 12-week web development bootcamp is designed to cover the entire full stack developer toolkit. It may sound far-fetched, but with our immersive learning environment, concise daily schedule, hands-on learning, and career services to help you land the right job, you could be celebrating a new career before noticing the next season change. Contact us here to schedule a discovery meeting with an admissions advisor to learn about this course and other opportunities to jumpstart your new career in web development.

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