Coding for Business

Coding for Business

January 21, 2021

Why is coding important? Whether you call them a coder, a developer, or an engineer, individuals with the ability to create, maintain, and improve software are essential to business success today. Businesses were projected to spend $426 billion on software in 2020. These enterprises might have been subscribing to software, developing their own platform, working on a cloud migration, or many other uses for software. Common goals for business software include customer relationship management, supply chain management, human resources, marketing, and business planning.

No matter what business goals inspire a company’s software choices, it’s hard to find any business today that doesn’t use the work done by coders, developers, and engineers. Coding is important because it makes computers work! 

But what many companies don’t appreciate is the broader positive effects of hiring or training an on-staff coder. Beyond their ability to help the company make the most of technology, people who speak a programming language bring a unique perspective to the team. Here are some of the non-technical benefits and improvements a coder on the team brings to a company. 

Coders Are Constantly Improving Their Environment

Coders are always looking for a way to do something better. Practically, this might mean improving the way software functions with a code release or making changes to your website for better results. On the personal side, the pace of innovation in software means a coder must always be learning something new and improving themselves. This includes everything from new development environments and tools, to improving soft skills or helping the team. High-skilled coders come with a problem-solving mindset that can generate success outside the software, too.

Coders Prioritize Efficiency and Production

When coders are looking around for the next problem to solve, they are also brainstorming solutions that generate measurable, tangible results—and save time. In the mind of a coder, if one line of code can accomplish the same task as a hundred, why not just write one? The coder will bring this perspective to the work environment. If you aren’t sure how to make a business process or interdepartmental project run more smoothly, asking the coder on your team to share their opinion might just help. 

Coders Develop and Test Innovative Business Processes

To succeed as a coder, any individual must be a creative thinker. They must also be willing to try and fail many times before succeeding. Not only is this attitude a welcome resource in most work environments, it means that long-term, your business could see major benefits from drawing on the coder’s strength of personality. Hiring coding bootcamp graduates in particular brings even more innovative perspective to the table. These students are often career-changers who have other professional experience to draw on. New members of the workforce who attend a coding bootcamp out of high school often come from more diverse backgrounds than the graduates of an expensive and time-consuming four-year institution. And, completing a coding bootcamp requires grit, determination, and focus that might not be as developed in a college graduate. Hiring a coder who completed a bootcamp just adds more innovative thinking to the mix at your business. Allow them to give suggestions and test their ideas and see where the growth takes you.

Is Coding Useful for Business?

All these soft skills aside, coding will also be useful for the business in a practical sense. If a business has a website, app, or online store, coding is immediately relevant for security, functionality, and a competitive edge in the market. The presence of skilled coders who can write secure, efficient code is even more important for companies who want to create and release their own software for internal or consumer use. 

Bring the Benefits of Learning To Code To Your Company

In many corners of the news, coding has been called the business literacy of the future. Like reading and writing, the ability to communicate with devices and the cloud has gone beyond a luxury to the essential. 

Hiring a full-fledged coder is one way to bring the benefits of learning to code to your business. Another is to invest in the professional development of current employees who have an interest in learning to code. Beyond the IT department and other tech jobs, employees in functions like HR and finance can benefit from learning to code. 

Whether you want to hire a coder or help someone on your team develop coding skills, Eleven Fifty Academy is a connection to an expanding talent pipeline to fill your open tech jobs. Our coding bootcamps help individuals upskill and reskill in a matter of months in areas like web development, software development, user experience, and cybersecurity. Contact Eleven Fifty Academy to learn more about hiring our graduates and making your team that much stronger. 

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